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BOWPRO574 AC boegschroef 57kgf 48V

BOWPRO574 AC boegschroef 57kgf 48V
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  • Voorraad: 3 tot 6 werkdagen levertijd
  • Model: BOWA0574
  • Productgroep: A
Excl. BTW: €2.571,90
The increasing popularity of environmentally-friendly boats with 48VDC electric propulsion necessitated the development of thrusters running at the same voltage, and this BOWPRO574 is designed to meet that need. BOWPRO574, 48VDC BOW PRO thrusters offer all the advantages of the standard BOW PRO, are available in several propeller and tunnel diameters and are more than powerful enough to turn your runabout in the desired direction. Recommended battery size for this BOW PRO is slightly larger than advised then for conventional DC thrusters, to take full advantage of the motor efficiencies and resulting long run-times of this thruster.

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